Sunday, October 5, 2014

trust me, i promise I will catch you


     Your mind begins to fill with uncertainty, and you can feel your heart beating out of your chest. Just as you put all you weight back onto your heels, feeling air beneath your feet as you fall, you start to rethink this choice. Then, just as your friend told you over and over, "Trust Me! I promise I will catch you!" And they did. Just as they had said. Everyone remembers this childhood game we all used to play. It's mainly known as "The Trust Fall."
     This is kind of where I am in life. I've survived my first month of college, and I'm still living. That's something to be proud of right? The thing is, college isn't really at all what I expected it to be. I'm sure this summer, when I was talking to God about all the plans I had for my future, he was just laughing up a storm. These past couple of weeks, a lot of things have been thrown at me. They aren't necessarily unfortunate circumstances, but it has gotten to the point when I've been extremely overwhelmed. 
     I'm not saying I don't enjoy college. College is actually the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've learned so much about myself, life, the importance of relationships, and my faith has just skyrocketed ever since I stepped on this campus. As I see it though, God wants so much more. 
     I lately have been asking, "God, why am I here?" "What do you want me to do with my life?" We are always so caught up with our own life and think everything will go our way. I never took the time to ask God what does he want? 
     Possibly being the most impatient person you will ever meet, I'm lacking a large amount of it, as well as trust in God. These circumstances remind me a lot of the Israelites as they were camped at the foot of Mount Sinai continuing their long journey to the land God promised them. The people began to complain about their hardships, and then Moses, their leader, began to complain as well. The thing is, God responded to Moses because Moses was crying out to God, and not to others. We must learn to take our problems to the One who can do something about it. Unhappiness occurs when our minds focus on what we don't have. The Israelites were so blind to see what God was doing right in front of them-setting them free, making them a nation, giving them land- because they were so focused on what God wasn't doing for them. Max Lucado puts it as, "The Father wanted his children to quit worrying about how and be content with who." 
     I am just like the Israelites. God has constantly been showing me signs that I must surrender everything and trust Him. I can just see him saying, "LIZ! Open your eyes! I am here! I love you! Why won't you trust me?!" To be truthful, I don't know why. I suppose it's because I am a sinner. I've been so distracted by so many things that don't even come close the importance of walking with God. Since I've been running in circles not keeping my focus on him, I know God had to have me breakdown the other night so I could truly see. I needed a good kick in the pants. 
     If you're still reading this blog post, you're pretty cool because I realize how long this is getting. Let's backtrack a few weeks ago...As I've mentioned in other posts, I am a member on the Concordia Dance Team. After 16 consecutive years of dance training, you would think I would know how to land a simple center leap properly. Wrong. For the past three weeks, I have had excruciating pain all throughout my right leg and up my lower back. I didn't think I'd be seeing the athletic trainer this earlier on in the season, let alone having to come everyday to do exercises and electrical muscle stimulation along my hip. It came down to the point where I could barely walk, I would have several breakdowns of shooting pain, trouble sleeping, and contemplated the ER a few nights last week. In the midst of this, trying to stay on top of studies and maintaining my quirky personality was very challenging. I have been a complete mess.
     The greatest part of it all is to see all the love that comes with this difficult situation. Last Wednesday, as I was in fetal position crying in agony, I realized how badly I needed to be with God. CUNE has a worship service every Wednesday, so I limped off to the chapel that night for some good Jesus time. To think that I almost skipped it because I was in such pain..I'm SO thankful God called me to attend. The message, the atmosphere, the music, and sitting by my wonderful friends was EXACTLY what I needed. Prior to this all, I was praying that I could attend a worship service and not be afraid to show any emotion and completely surrender. My prayers were answered that night. Feeling God's presence in the the thick of my brokenness, I felt healed, because I am. That's not all of it. After the service, a girl who I have never met before tapped me on the shoulder and said "Hi! So I was just watching you worship tonight, and I just felt called to come over and pray for you." Out of major shock, I took her hands and she prayed for me, quoting James 1:2-3 that "there is joy in suffering." I've never experience anything like that, but I certainly loved it. 
     Some other things God has shown me "light at the end of the tunnel" is leading me to this passage I read in one of the books I have. It reads: "Pain can take over every thought and every emotion; it can put us into a pit of despair. But if we are willing to take the difficult step of seeking God within this pain, we can say to him, 'Lord, I don't have anything left to give, but I am yours. You have me completely at your mercy,' and in the midst of our situation, we can cultivate an intimacy with the Lord we never dreamed possible- a greater closeness with God because of physical pain." How neat is that, right?
     As for treatment on my leg, I have been given answers as to what the problem is, but things are still up in the air. I do know for a fact this will be a very lengthy process. It is yet just another reason as to why I must trust God. His timing is perfect. 
     To sum this incredibly lengthy blog post for you is this: We have a great God. A God who loves us beyond the world, and took our place to be killed. A God who's sufficient for us, made perfect in weakness. He gives us all we need. Keep clear vision of the cross instead of focusing on the how, because we must trust him. When we fall, he will catch. That's a promise. 

Many blessings to whomever read all the way to the end!
God Bless,
-Liz :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

why am i a Christian?

As many of you may have seen, I posted a video on my Facebook page answering the question, "Why am I a Christian" under three minutes. I moved to Concordia University about three weeks ago, and I've been attending Christ Lutheran Church Room 211 since then. Although my church back home will always have a special place in my heart, I'm really beginning to like this place. The church's pastor encouraged us to share our testimony with our Facebook friends, videotaping ourselves talking about when Jesus became real to us. Since I am a talker, and could go on and on and on about how overwhelmed I get by the love of God, I wish my video could have been a bit longer. That's why I decided to write my testimony here! :)

As I mentioned in my video, my first couple years of high school weren't really what I would call the "glory days." I struggled immensely with anxiety, depression, self esteem, and tried way to hard to be accepted by others. It wasn't until the summer between my junior and senior year of high school when I truly claimed the faith I had my own. That fall, in my English Composition class, we had to write a personal narrative, and I decided to focus on the privilege I had that summer to attend the LCMS National Youth Gathering in San Antonio, Texas. Here's my story...

~A Blissful Epiphany~

Unfavorable thoughts raced through my mind, destroying every bit of idealism that passed through. Filling cups up to the brim, my head was compacted with uncertain circumstances that continually overwhelmed my life. My pupils grew wider as my eyes were fixed against my reflection. Staring back at a person I did not want to become, but unfortunately emerged into. Tears trickled down my cheeks while the beige linen soaked up my afflictions. This perpetual agony was the result of allowing one to dictate my happiness. One moment, he gazed back into my eyes, confessing the beauty he saw within me, the next, there is no acknowledgement to my existence. Milliseconds of eye contact were all it took to bring me back to the stark reality, knowing it’s over. Feeling demoralized than ever before, the salty droplets began to develop into tsunami tides, which then became a daily occurrence. Until a sudden moment, everything changed.

My heart anxiously waited healing and longed to be mended together with love. Fortunately, opportunity struck my interest. As the euphoric sun grew warmer and school no longer existed to me, I was blessed to travel to San Antonio for the biannual National Youth Gathering. Anticipation bubbled up in my stomach from the excitement occurring. I began to remove my mind from past situations I was in; I was attending with a positive attitude. I told myself repeatedly, "Now is your time to start over with a clean slate and enjoy yourself." Only my mind can determine whether or not I am happy.

Looking down from the skyscraper hotel room, minuscule ants marched the streets of the city with teal backpacks around their shoulders just like mine. The little hand finally reached the six on the analog clock, and we journeyed towards the glass building. With every step I took further to the stadium, I hoped for a new story to reveal back home. Shuffling into the massive arena, I perceive just a glimpse of the overwhelming satisfaction about to occur. The flashing and radiant stage lights beam across my cheeks as a grin develops upon my face. I cannot believe I am here. Minute after minute, thousands of teens piled through the doors with the same expression as me. I am ready for an experience of a lifetime.

Every double door I view, innumerable bodies appeared before me. The bearded man slammed his foot against the bass, feeling the vibration up and down my spine. Ivory keys on the piano and coiled strings of guitars joined together in unison. Chills ran through my veins while blood pumped through my heart, making it beat faster and developing a sensational feeling. I turned my body forming a diminutive circle around myself, absorbing the atmosphere. Section by section, palms of various colors and sizes began to rise above our heads as we all praised our King. My vocal chords strenuously rubbed against each other as I belted out the songs of glory.

Each speaker chosen to declare their testimony supplied it with inspiration and a message to all. A thin, shiny headed man stepped up the stage and emphasized three words that will endearingly live in my heart. Pausing between each syllable to show importance, he softly chanted, “You. Are. Forgiven.” I have repeatedly obtained words related to this, but never accepted the sincere grace given to me.

Instructed to do so, thin sheets of paper were sent forth individually to the row I was seated in. “Write down whatever is on your mind. Confess your wrongs, and let go of your pain," advised the man. My sweaty fingers clung the lead pencil while the graphite scratched against the shriveled sheet. Allowing a faint sigh to be caught, I folded my misery now etched in writing, and gripped it between my palms. 25,000 creased papers made their way to the edge of the stage, where a cross awaited. Thousands by thousands, confessions were poured onto the scorching fire turning my sins to complete ash.

The woman’s painted fingers stroked the keys filling the silence with peaceful notes. Involuntarily, my fingers intertwined one another and my eyelids began to close. Lowering my head, I reached out to my King showing Him my desperation. "Preserve my life; in Your righteousness, bring me out of trouble." Quiet sobs filled up my throat hoping the pain would all go away. I then rose up my crippled body that was curled together with agony.

Rolling my shoulders back, I no longer felt the pressure among my bones. Knives didn't slash though my heart like they used to everyday and glimpses of self-worth flashed before my eyes. Waterfalls of tears flowed down my cheeks, overwhelmed with His great love. And just like He cried out 2,000 years ago, I knew, “It is finished.”

As the sun rises and sets endlessly and the hour hand makes its daily rounds, temptation still reveals my past to me.  Despite this distress, the great book states, “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” An innocent, selfless man burdened Himself to release my worries, then disastrously murdered just so I could live. Considering Himself, “a friend of sinners” overflows my heart with serenity. Obtaining the realization, I now fathom His eternal companionship and guidance towards His wondrous plan.

My perspective of life changed from learning that He has "plans to prosper and not to harm, plans for hope and a future." The Lord granted  me understanding to sustain love because He defines the sentiment.

A reason to let one control my dignity no longer exists to me anymore. The King appreciates my genuine worth, and I am beloved by Him. When temptation arrives again, and my eyes are fixed against what I once thought was a horrible reflection, I will smile, because His love never runs out on me.

It's kind of crazy to me that I feel even somewhat comfortable sharing this with everyone now. This whole "blog" thing was really out of my comfort zone at first, and now all I want to do is share the Word of God with others.  Ever since that experience, I've longed for more and more of God. He opens my eyes every day to see more of His beauty, grace and love. Of course, I'm not perfect. FAR FAR from it actually, but I use the learning experiences I get from sin to become the woman of God that I am suppose to be. I encourage you all to think about why YOU chose to follow Jesus, and if you feel up to it, share your testimony with others! It may make a difference.

Thanks for reading!

God Bless,
Liz :)

Friday, August 29, 2014

College: New Friends, New Opportunities, New Me

It’s been a week here at my new home in Seward, Nebraska, and it sure has been extraordinary. Two years ago, I would have never thought I’d be where I am right at this moment. There’s no way I would believe it if someone from the future told me I would be attending Concordia University, Nebraska with an academic and athletic scholarship for dance team. To say that I am blessed is an understatement. I feel so much more than that. All of this grace, love and peace given to me in my life is just one of the infinite number of examples to why we have such a great God.
It’s crazy to think that just last week, I was boxing everything up from my room back home. I packed everything from old vinyls for my record player, (yes, I listen to records) to dental floss, and I STILL managed to forget something. What college kid doesn't, right? Thank you, Lord for the Wal-Mart three minutes from campus!
I moved in last Friday expecting the move to be incredibly stressful. In reality, it couldn't have gone any smoother. There were so many students outside of the hall ready to move stuff in and greeted my family and I with a smile. As I entered Room 212 in David Hall, it was hard to believe that this is where I’ll be living for the next year. I actually am guilty of calling it “home” once or twice this week. I wasn't expecting to do that until later on in the year.
As I was all settled in, and I sadly hugged my family good-bye, I was more than ready to begin this new chapter of my life. With just a week in, there’s not much you can tell by it, but the adventure so far has been a blast. I've met a crazy amount of genuinely kind people, who have such a love for the Lord. Not only does their faith inspire me to grow in mine, but they are truly a joy to be around, hang out with, and of course, laugh with. I've spent nights watching Netflix with friends, rocking it at Ultimate Frisbee (that was sarcasm), cheering on the Bulldogs, improv worship sessions, and just an endless amount of smiles.
Although I am enjoying my college experience so far, the most rewarding part of this journey has been the rapid growth in my relationship with God. I was so grateful and happy when my professor, classmates, and I all prayed together thanking God for the education and opportunities here. That’s something I didn't get to experience at a public school. Even with just a week under my belt, I can already feel my faith strengthen by being around my new friends, professors, coaches, and endless worship opportunities on campus. There’s not a doubt in my mind that this is where I’m supposed to be right now. God’s plan for me was to attend this extraordinary university, and I won’t ever be able to put to words how blessed that makes me feel.
Back at home, I thought I tried my best to do everything through God, but being here now, I don’t think I tried hard enough. I’m not upset about this, because learning from yourself is a big part of developing into who you are. Although this is true, looking back, I feel that instead of focusing on how stressed, heartbroken, and reckless I sometimes became, I should have seen the big picture. God needs to be my number one priority.
Of course, typing that out is easier said than done. This will be a challenge, but I accept this challenge with arms wide open ready for my Father. I see Him everywhere now. I see His light shining through my window when I wake up in the morning. I see Him give me hope through the smiles and “hellos” of strangers I have yet to get to know at Concordia. I see His strength as he motivates me to get through that turn sequence one more time at practice. He is truly with me. Everywhere. That couldn't make me anymore at peace.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved high school, and college is far from a piece of cake. I realize that trials will be experienced and tough decisions will have to be made. But to put it simply: I am so happy. I’m happy that I get to be here, and I can be who I want to be. All throughout high school I sadly tried to be like everyone else in order fit in. Not everyone is perfect, and us students are still immature and judge each other, but I feel so much more accepted here. I've heard many people say, “High School is honestly the best four years of your life!” I’m sorry to whoever believes that, but to me, it’s far from the truth. College will be, but not just college, college at Concordia University. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me next. Here’s to the next four years.

God Bless,
Liz :)

Here's just some pictures from this last week. :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

sista, sista!

August 12, 2014 might just be an ordinary day to the majority of the world, but eleven years ago today, I met my youngest sister, Ellie Marie. Now, if you follow me on other social media, you saw that Ellie's birthday was yesterday, and probably wondering why I am posting this now.

Let's flashback 11 years..
August 10, 2003: I was just your clueless seven year old who had no idea what childbirth was, or the complications that may come along with it. That night, I remember my mom and I watching the annual "Shark Week" on Discovery Channel. I was obsessed with sharks then, and I don't know why. I could tell my mom was not herself. She was 29 weeks pregnant and hurting badly. For those of you who don't know, a normal pregnancy is around 40 weeks or so. When she couldn't handle the pain any longer, she told me to go upstairs and get ready for bed. My dad was on his way home to pick my mom to go the hospital and grandma was on her way to stay with me.

August 11, 2003: I remember this morning vividly. I walked down the stairs in my pink princess nightgown and saw grandma sitting at the table reading. I asked her, "Where's Mommy and Daddy?" She began to explain that my baby sister was born earlier that morning. I couldn't believe it. I was so excited! I was waiting so long for that day and she came early! With concern in my grandma's eyes, she began to explain that this is not a good thing. Ellie was born premature eleven weeks early at 2 lb 9 oz. Ellie was fighting for her life and terribly sick. No one knew if she was going to make it or not. As a seven year old, this was incredibly confusing, and I didn't understand. I wanted to see my mom and Ellie so badly, but Ellie was much too sick to see her that day.

August 12, 2003: My dad came home from the hospital and picked both Hannah, my other sister who was only three at the time, and me up and took us to see my mom and Ellie. I remember my dad telling me that it's going to be a bit scary seeing such a small baby and lots of wires stuck to her. My dad was right. The first time I laid eyes on Ellie, I thought she was a tiny baby doll you'd buy in the toy section at Wal-Mart. She was incredibly small, and I couldn't even tell what she looked like because she was covered wires. Despite how scared I was, I put my finger between Ellie's fingers and she squeezed. That was the beginning the "The Schmidt Sisters."

Ellie's birth was one of the most difficult things my parents have gone through, but by the grace of God, Ellie fought for her life and grew stronger everyday. It was a difficult and emotional year, but we made it through. Ellie is now a very entertaining, crazy, caring eleven year old and one of my best friends.

My family calls today "Sister Day" because it was when Hannah, Ellie and I met for the first time. Every year we have done something together to celebrate how thankful we are to have each other, and praise God that He provided Ellie with such strength. When I was younger, all three of us bickered all the time. (Sorry Mom and Dad.) But as I've grown older, I started to realize how important they are to me. My senior year, I had quite a bit of friends problems, finding out what ones are true and the one's who aren't. It happens, unfortunately, and was heartbreaking for me, but I gained something truly wonderful from this experience. I learned that no matter how bad I screw up in life, or what I wear, feel, act like, etc., I will always have two beautiful and loving young women there by my side. Their unconditional love for me overwhelms me. I don't know what I did to deserve such wonderful sisters.

Banana and Elle-Belle,
I'm so proud of the young ladies you've become. I'm so proud of how strong your faith in God is at such a young age. I'm so proud of how you carry yourself, and how you show love to everyone around you. I'm honored to know that I am considered your role model, taking after me, and loving dance as much as I do. I can't thank you two enough. For everything. For inappropriate dinner conversations, random hugs, wiping my tears away when boys broke my heart, movie nights, improv dancing, and so much more. Leaving you girls to go to college is going to be the hardest part, but our video chats dates will sure be interesting. I love you two forever and always.

-Your big sister, who may be shorter, but will always be wiser. :)

Here's just some of the many favorite pictures I have of us throughout the years. Call up your siblings today and just remind them how much you love them. Families gotta stick together!

For more information on how you can help premature babies like Ellie, visit It's such a wonderful organization, and I'm so happy I got to volunteer with them and give back for the support they generously gave my family and me. 

Thanks for reading!
God Bless You,

Liz :)


Saturday, August 2, 2014

friends, jesus tunes and a whole lot of thankfulness

This post will be a little shorter than my other ones, but it just has to be shared with you all. One of my wonderful, inspiring, and hilarious friends and I share the same love for contemporary Christian music. I bet you almost everyday one of us gets a text from another saying "Oh my, check this song out. It's fab." It's simply awesome. I could write an entire blog post about how thankful I am for the friends I've made so far that I will be going to Concordia with. I totally will in the future. If they are reading this right now, (you know who you are).....I. LOVE. YOU! :)

But I'm off topic...again. My amazing friend sent these two songs to me and for the past couple of days, I've been listening to them constantly. I've just been soaking up the lyrics and crying them out to God.

I linked the songs and their lyrics below. Try to find some time this weekend to listen to them and thank God for all He has done.

One last thing... I really can't thank all of you enough for reading this. It means a lot to me. I'd love love love to hear your feedback. I've made the comments in a way so anyone can comment. It's anonymous, so you don't have to have a Google+ account to comment. If you feel comfortable telling me your name, comment and sign it below! I'd love to hear your ideas of what I should write about next, or if you're going through something and want me to write about it, I'd love to help you out.

Thank you again and enjoy the songs!
God Bless You,

Liz :)

Running In Circles (feat. Will Reagan)
By: United Pursuit

By: The Assemblie

You've seen me at my worst 
When I thought all hope was lost
You've seen at my best
And still I've fallen short
What You see of worth in me
I will never know
I'll never know

I'm so thankful
That new mercies rise with the morning sun
I'm so thankful
That You've never given up on me
Please draw near
You know my heart it tends to stray
It tends to stray

Mystery of all mysteries
What You've done in my heart
Once stained by sin and shame
You've restored innocence
Why I have this second chance
I will never know
I'll never know

You must be greater
I must be less
You can take this mess
And make it beautiful
Make it new

Let this be my crossroads
Where faith and action meet
Where looking back at my past will prove
You are faithful God
And if I've learned one thing
I know that You are good
Yes, You are good

Friday, August 1, 2014

more than just nine letters

While reading my devotions a few nights ago, I came across the story of Elizabeth and Zachariah. Zachariah was a priest and he had a faithful wife, Elizabeth. Both were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commands (Luke 1:6). However, the couple struggled with infertility, and they were both very old. Even though they were in pain from unanswered prayer and being socially disgraced because she was unable to conceive, Elizabeth and Zachariah remained faithful to God. There's MUCH more to the story, but I'm not the best at summarizing, but I strongly suggest you read it if you are not familiar with it. It's in Luke 1:5-25.

Not only are Elizabeth and Zachariah inspiring to me that they both praised God in a time of severe disappointment, but they praised Him together. That's what I pray to have someday; a lifelong spouse to praise God with. At least if it is in God's plan for me..."Oh please, oh paaalleeeassseee God I sure hope it is!!!" ;) This is beside the point...

I started to research Elizabeth. I began reading more about her and learning that her name, MY name, means "My God is an Oath." For those who are a little word challenged, in other words, it means that God is my promise, hope, the truth, etc. This got me thinking. How wonderful it is to have such a name that means something so incredibly true. Mom, if you're reading this, THANKS FOR THE COOL NAME! I'm sorry I go by Liz though, it's just so much easier and only three letters.. I was saying..

If we keep The Lord's Word close to our hearts, continuing to praise Him, love Him, trust in Him, God's reward of eternal life in heaven is so great that we can't even understand a sliver of it. God says in John 14:3 NIV, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." How miraculous is that?! We get to be with God forever and ever and ever and everrrrrrr.

So I encourage you all to Google search what your name means and embrace it! God gave you that name for a reason. A name, a path, a plan, a purpose. You are His child and you are loved so much by Him.

Many blessings to you all for taking the time to read this. Your positive comments regarding my last post means so much to me, and I am grateful for the support and love.

You. Rock.
God Bless You,

Liz :)

Thursday, July 31, 2014

a drive of gratitude

Do you ever have those days when you wake up and are just so excited to live? Nothing particular was going on that day, you were simply ready to live? Maybe you have, or maybe you haven't and I'm just crazy, but these days happen every now and then. 

It was just a normal summer day for me. I woke up to the sound of my dog barking at nothing again, read through my devotion book still with sleep in my eyes, got ready for the day and headed to work. (I nanny part time, which by the way is the best darn job on the planet.) I was taking the girls I take care of to my aunt and uncle's cabin, taking advantage of this PERFECT Nebraska weather we've been having lately. I was happy to have a care free day filled with fun. 

As I was driving down there, I turned on my good ole' Jesus tunes playlist, rolled down the windows in my little, hail-damaged Toyota, and just drove. And I smiled. I didn't smile because the girl I watch accidentally took a bite out of my sandwich instead of hers. (I gave her a hard time for that one.) I wasn't smiling because it's halfway through the week. I smiled because I am extremely blessed. I cannot stress that or thank God enough. I have a wonderful life, and it overwhelms me with joy that I am able to say that.

The drive was so peaceful and beautiful. The sky was bright blue filled with "cotton candy" clouds and the road was a straight line for miles surrounded by cornfields. I guess you could say us Nebraskans consider cornfields beautiful too. ;) God created beauty to show His Holy existence. When most people think of beauty, we think of materialistic things on the outside, and what we perceive with our eyes come to mind. Us humans are so blind to see how beautiful life and our hearts really are. 

My. Life. Is. Beautiful.

A while back, I had one of those days just like I had above, and I compiled a list of things I am thankful for and the blessings in my life. There's so many more people and so many experiences I have yet to write down and thank, but not even the beauty of words can form together to show my gratitude.

Share your blessings. Thank God for everything. He made your life so far and the future to come simply beautiful. 

Things I Am Thankful For
(In No Particular Order)

* I'm alive.
* I'm healthy.
* I have an unconditional-loving, gracious, perfect, God.
* I have a wonderful father who provides for my family, values time with me, and loves me more than I can ever imagine.
* I have a outstanding mother who always puts others before herself, is the strongest woman I know, and loves me beyond infinity.
* I have a gorgeous sister, Hannah, who is a incredible, improving dancer, who is my "soul-sister," is strong-willed, and is always always always there when I need a hug.
* I have a beautiful sister, Ellie, who always makes me laugh, who I can call my "mini-me," is thoughtful, and is full of love.
* My parents love one another despite each other's flaws, and conquer any trial together.
* My sister's and I were all raised in a strong, Christian home thanks to my amazing parents who, too, have an outstanding faith.
* I live in a great house providing me with shelter.
* My father has a career that give us the luxury of my mom getting to stay home and spend time with my sisters and me.
* I am a member of a excellent church with a great foundation and supportive people.
* I have a loving grandmother who lets me call her "G-Ma," showed me how to sew, calls me every week to check up on me, and loves 50's music as much as I do.
* I have a beautiful, guardian angel, Grandma Virginia, who watches over me and lets me have similar looks and qualities like her to heal my mother's grief.
* I have an awesome grandfather, Papa, who loves me unconditionally no matter how many times I climbed his trees, filled my childhood with bike rides and fishing, and got me my first car.
* I have an wonderful grandmother, Mary Pat, who has exceptional fashion, makes the best cookie dough brownies, and shares a love for English just as I do.
* All of my grandparents have never missed a dance recital, dance competition, or play performance and they love watching me do what I love.
* I have a wonderful Uncle, Steve, who I can go to for anything, loves me just as I was his own child, and is the wisest man I know.
* I have an incredible Aunt, Ruth, who has a great sense of humor, but is firm when she needs to be, tells great stories, and loves me like I'm the daughter she never had.
* I have a hilarious cousin, Grant, who protects me as if I was his little sister and is a big brother I've always wanted, who makes me laugh, and who I can always call for help.
* I have a crazy cousin, Eric, who also protects me even though I am two years older, who is incredibly smart, outrageously polite, but is never afraid to have fun.
* I have a hard-working Aunt, Susan, who is also my godmother, and always remembers my baptismal birthday, because I never do, who played with me all night long when I was little, and encourages me to achieve all my goals in life.
* I have an amazing best friend, Kari Elizabeth, who had blessed me with 15 years of neverending friendship, who I can count on for anything, and be a complete idiot around and she wouldn't judge, she'd join in.
* I have a beautiful best friend, Jena Nicole, who lets me come over and cry until I fall asleep, who shares the same love and passion of dance and special education as me, and is the type of friend who knows what I'm going to say, before I say it.
* I have the coolest uncle, aunt and cousins, The Erickson's, who although I don't get to see as much I would like too, they still have filled my life with so many memories, love and laughter.
* God has blessed me with the ability to express myself through the beautiful art of dance, a passion no person can ever take away.
* I have an incredible role model, Kristy Schweitz, who helped me see the positives in every difficult situation, who prays for me, and pushed me to dance harder than I ever thought I could.
* I have an amazing dance instructor, Amber Mero, who made me into the dancer I am today, choreographed all my amazing solos, and always greets me with a smile.
* I have so many "Dance Moms" that have my back, but Kendra Koch, has treated me like her own, who is gifted with creatively, spunk, and never fails to make me laugh.
* My gorgeous friend, Maryn Heald, whose faith radiates off of her, who is an inspiration to me, and has never given up despite all she has gone through.
* My gifted friend, Amanda Jo, always brightens my day, quotes Forrest Gump with me, and is always there to have a lot of fun, whatever it may be.
* Even though I am no longer a member of the team, the Gretna Dance Team will always have my back, and has filled my high school years with so many fond memories.
* Words exist. Which mean quotes, stories, and poetry exist. A therapeutic way for me to express what I am feeling.
* Literature opens up my imagination and take me to places, situations, conversations, I never knew existed.
* I graduated from a great high school that gave me an amazing education, splendid memories, and helpful learning experiences.
* I am attending an outstanding university, Concordia Nebraska, this fall that will give me an exceptional education, amazing memories, and prepare me for my career.
* I have an gorgeous roommate, Abby, who is so much like me it still scares me today, who is strong in her faith, loving, and overall, such a wonderful person.
* I have an incredible college friend, Mark, who is the most genuinely nice guy I've ever talk to, who makes me laugh, and accepts my dorkish behavior.
* I have an amazing college friend, Payton, who has a miraculous amount of faith, it's indescribable, who is hilarious, has great taste in music, and who I admire very much.
* I have a summer job nannying two great girls, providing me with money for college, and keeping busy during the summer.
* I know how to overcome what I have gone through in the past because of the grace of my God and support from my family.
* I am fortunate enough to be educated properly, that I received numerous academic scholarships to go towards my college tuition.
* I was blessed with a generous offer from Concordia to award me with an athletic scholarship and be a member of the Concordia Dance Team.
* After the grace and forgiveness through God, there's proof that broken friendships can always be mended and I have forgiven people I never thought I could.
* I am happy, my life is full of experiences, my life is full of opportunities yet to come, My God is amazing.

Embrace your beautiful life today.
God Bless You,

Liz :)