Friday, August 29, 2014

College: New Friends, New Opportunities, New Me

It’s been a week here at my new home in Seward, Nebraska, and it sure has been extraordinary. Two years ago, I would have never thought I’d be where I am right at this moment. There’s no way I would believe it if someone from the future told me I would be attending Concordia University, Nebraska with an academic and athletic scholarship for dance team. To say that I am blessed is an understatement. I feel so much more than that. All of this grace, love and peace given to me in my life is just one of the infinite number of examples to why we have such a great God.
It’s crazy to think that just last week, I was boxing everything up from my room back home. I packed everything from old vinyls for my record player, (yes, I listen to records) to dental floss, and I STILL managed to forget something. What college kid doesn't, right? Thank you, Lord for the Wal-Mart three minutes from campus!
I moved in last Friday expecting the move to be incredibly stressful. In reality, it couldn't have gone any smoother. There were so many students outside of the hall ready to move stuff in and greeted my family and I with a smile. As I entered Room 212 in David Hall, it was hard to believe that this is where I’ll be living for the next year. I actually am guilty of calling it “home” once or twice this week. I wasn't expecting to do that until later on in the year.
As I was all settled in, and I sadly hugged my family good-bye, I was more than ready to begin this new chapter of my life. With just a week in, there’s not much you can tell by it, but the adventure so far has been a blast. I've met a crazy amount of genuinely kind people, who have such a love for the Lord. Not only does their faith inspire me to grow in mine, but they are truly a joy to be around, hang out with, and of course, laugh with. I've spent nights watching Netflix with friends, rocking it at Ultimate Frisbee (that was sarcasm), cheering on the Bulldogs, improv worship sessions, and just an endless amount of smiles.
Although I am enjoying my college experience so far, the most rewarding part of this journey has been the rapid growth in my relationship with God. I was so grateful and happy when my professor, classmates, and I all prayed together thanking God for the education and opportunities here. That’s something I didn't get to experience at a public school. Even with just a week under my belt, I can already feel my faith strengthen by being around my new friends, professors, coaches, and endless worship opportunities on campus. There’s not a doubt in my mind that this is where I’m supposed to be right now. God’s plan for me was to attend this extraordinary university, and I won’t ever be able to put to words how blessed that makes me feel.
Back at home, I thought I tried my best to do everything through God, but being here now, I don’t think I tried hard enough. I’m not upset about this, because learning from yourself is a big part of developing into who you are. Although this is true, looking back, I feel that instead of focusing on how stressed, heartbroken, and reckless I sometimes became, I should have seen the big picture. God needs to be my number one priority.
Of course, typing that out is easier said than done. This will be a challenge, but I accept this challenge with arms wide open ready for my Father. I see Him everywhere now. I see His light shining through my window when I wake up in the morning. I see Him give me hope through the smiles and “hellos” of strangers I have yet to get to know at Concordia. I see His strength as he motivates me to get through that turn sequence one more time at practice. He is truly with me. Everywhere. That couldn't make me anymore at peace.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved high school, and college is far from a piece of cake. I realize that trials will be experienced and tough decisions will have to be made. But to put it simply: I am so happy. I’m happy that I get to be here, and I can be who I want to be. All throughout high school I sadly tried to be like everyone else in order fit in. Not everyone is perfect, and us students are still immature and judge each other, but I feel so much more accepted here. I've heard many people say, “High School is honestly the best four years of your life!” I’m sorry to whoever believes that, but to me, it’s far from the truth. College will be, but not just college, college at Concordia University. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me next. Here’s to the next four years.

God Bless,
Liz :)

Here's just some pictures from this last week. :)

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled on your Twitter profile, Liz, and clicked through to your blog. How sweet it is to read about your first few experiences at Concordia, my alma mater {2012 graduate}! I still miss that special place and think of it often. Soak in all of those precious memories; they will last a lifetime. Blessings!
