Friday, August 1, 2014

more than just nine letters

While reading my devotions a few nights ago, I came across the story of Elizabeth and Zachariah. Zachariah was a priest and he had a faithful wife, Elizabeth. Both were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commands (Luke 1:6). However, the couple struggled with infertility, and they were both very old. Even though they were in pain from unanswered prayer and being socially disgraced because she was unable to conceive, Elizabeth and Zachariah remained faithful to God. There's MUCH more to the story, but I'm not the best at summarizing, but I strongly suggest you read it if you are not familiar with it. It's in Luke 1:5-25.

Not only are Elizabeth and Zachariah inspiring to me that they both praised God in a time of severe disappointment, but they praised Him together. That's what I pray to have someday; a lifelong spouse to praise God with. At least if it is in God's plan for me..."Oh please, oh paaalleeeassseee God I sure hope it is!!!" ;) This is beside the point...

I started to research Elizabeth. I began reading more about her and learning that her name, MY name, means "My God is an Oath." For those who are a little word challenged, in other words, it means that God is my promise, hope, the truth, etc. This got me thinking. How wonderful it is to have such a name that means something so incredibly true. Mom, if you're reading this, THANKS FOR THE COOL NAME! I'm sorry I go by Liz though, it's just so much easier and only three letters.. I was saying..

If we keep The Lord's Word close to our hearts, continuing to praise Him, love Him, trust in Him, God's reward of eternal life in heaven is so great that we can't even understand a sliver of it. God says in John 14:3 NIV, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." How miraculous is that?! We get to be with God forever and ever and ever and everrrrrrr.

So I encourage you all to Google search what your name means and embrace it! God gave you that name for a reason. A name, a path, a plan, a purpose. You are His child and you are loved so much by Him.

Many blessings to you all for taking the time to read this. Your positive comments regarding my last post means so much to me, and I am grateful for the support and love.

You. Rock.
God Bless You,

Liz :)

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